"Try this for a deep, dark secret: The great detective Miss Steele,
she doesn't exist...I invented her"
I'd always loved excitement, So I studied and apprenticed, and put my name on an Blogg. But absolutely no one knocked on my door. So I invented a superior. It was working like a charm. Until the day she walked in, with her blue eyes and mysterious past. And before I knew it, she assumed Miss Steele's identity.. It's a dangerous way to live, But as long as people buy it I can get the job done. We never mix business with pleasure. Well...almost never. I don't even know her real name!


8 juli 2010

Hemlig beundrare

I morse när jag skulle dricka mitt morgonkaffe så stod det kattmat och en kattskål på ballongen. Ringde alla jag kände men det var ingen av dem. Så tack till den som gav maten och skålen till Smilla och Oh James. Hoppas att katten som åt ur den skålen har det bra.

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